Digital Devices and Vision Archives - Finchley's Multi-Award Winning Opticians Practice

Category Archives for Digital Devices and Vision

2018 Vision-Boosting Toy and Games Christmas Gift List

As specialists in vision, parents often ask us about the things they can do to improve their kid’s vision and visual skills. Every year we compile our MASSIVE list of the best toys and games to improve physical and visual skills. Check out the links below if there is something specific you’d like to work […]

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Your Eyes in a Digital World

Your Eyes in a Digital World: What YOU need to know… There has been a monumental shift in the proliferation of technology over the last 5 years. The advent of digital devices, smartphones and tablets has touched and revolutionised so many areas of our lives. The way we connect, communicate and interact with others. The […]

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Computer/VDU users: Our Top 5 Tips for protecting your eyes

  Take frequent breaks from sustained computer use. Try the 20-20-20 rule, refocus your eyes to look at an object 20 feet away, for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. By refocusing on a distant object it relaxes the muscles and reduces the strain that leads to many of the symptoms. Adjust the monitor to the […]

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